Menu Monday and Weekend Recap

Monday already?  Mondays seem to arrive way too quickly around here, I'm still working on my weekend "to do" list!

Most of our weekend revolved around a school production of Shrek Jr.  Riley returned as part of the crew and Reagan was on stage as a Dulocian and a tree!  They put on three performances and wrapped it up with a cast party last night.
In between performances, we scooted down to Providence Saturday morning for the St. Pat's 5K which ended up being my first snowy road race!  The race director cut off a downhill portion of the course due to the conditions, I figured that out when I saw my stellar time and realized it wasn't a full 5K!  Oh well, I was still happy to finish 20/323 in my age group.  I swear we getter faster with age or maybe it's just my zippy new neon pink sneaks!
After coming home and cleaning up, we dropped the kids at the theater and headed off with the littlest to meet some friends for dinner at the golf club...where no one will be playing golf anytime soon due to the snow.  Couldn't resist my Chin Chin Elsa Top and Travel Pants, we so need a dose of spring around here!
Here's what's cooking this week, we're off to a basketball tournament this weekend so it's a short list! Have a great week!

Monday- Tomato, Bacon, Cheddar Quiche with Salad
Tuesday- Meatloaf, Green Beans and Garlic Mashed Red Bliss
Wednesday- Shrimp and Asparagus Risotto
Thursday- Tomato Tortellini Soup and Cheese Panini
Friday- out
Saturday- Team Dinner
Sunday- TBD


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